Kamis, 07 Mei 2015


Cybercrime is a crime that is committed using a computer as a tool of major crime. Cybercrime is a crime that utilizes the development of computer technology, especially the Internet. There are many types of action cybercrime , one example is the theft and use of an account belonging to someone else internet. One of the difficulties of an ISP (Internet Service Provider) is the account of customers were stolen and used illegally. Unlike the theft is done physically, theft accounts quite capture user id and password only. Only information that is stolen, while the people who do not feel the loss of theft of stolen objects. Theft will feel the effect if the information is used by an unauthorized party. Losses resulting from the use of burdened cost of using the account is. Which is usually done by way of a cracker is to turn the page web , known as defacement , hijacking can be done by exploiting a security hole. In addition, other ways that can be done is before getting into the server , which is targeted to conduct reconnaissance by probing to see the services are available in the target server. Program used to perform probing can be obtained free of charge on the internet. 

Motive of the crime committed is cybercrime attacking property rights or copyright. Cybercrime classified as pure type of crime. In such complex forms of crime cybercrime , then the need for a professional who is khusu charge it to overcome or prevent crime cyber with their expertise. In addition, with the help of professionals, also can block programs on the Internet that can support a crime. Tidah only that, the availability of juridical (law) to catch the perpetrator in order not to commit these crimes over and over and over again.

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